Easy Read information about our research project
What is this information about?
We are doing a research project. (Research is finding out).
This information is to tell you about the project.
We are trying to find out how adult social workers and learning disabilities social workers work with parent with learning disabilities.
(These are social workers who work with adults. They are different from social workers who work with children).
We will talk to parents who have an adult social worker or a learning disability social worker.
We would ask them about their social worker and how they help them.
We will use what everyone tells us to write a report.
We will work with our group of parent advisors at SpeakUp Rotherham to make a film for parents about what we found out.
The film will help parents understand the sort of support they should get.
We will also write an easy read article for parents to tell them what we found out.
We are talking to professionals too!
As well as talking to parents, we are asking professionals how they are working with parents.
We are reading their rules that tell them how to work with parents.
We are talking to managers to find out what social workers are told about how to work with parents.
We are also doing group interviews with adult social workers and learning disability social workers.
How will we try and change things?
We will write guidance for professionals about how to work with parents.
We will share what we find out with parents’ groups and professionals.